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Seating: Allocated - See Seating Plan for More Details


Joel Crawford


Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Florence Pugh, Olivia Colman, John Mulaney, Harvey Guillen

When Puss in Boots discovers that his passion for adventure has taken its toll and he has burned through eight of his nine lives, he launches an epic journey to restore them by finding the mythical Last Wish.

These screenings are relaxed, designed for people with Autism.

  • BBFC Ratings Info (May Contain Spoilers)


    Scenes include fistfights, sword fights and use of other bladed weapons, including sickles. There is brief sight of blood. A man shoots horns from a crossbow which cause people to explode into confetti if they are hit. Bears fight with their teeth and claws, and humans are devoured by fantastical carnivorous plants.

    Threat and horror

    A cat is pursued by ‘Death’, a large red-eyed wolf. When he encounters him, the cat becomes noticeably scared and suffers from panic attacks in some distressing sequences. However, the film handles the issue sensitively and has a positive resolution. Occasional jump scares and extended chase scenes also occur. Characters are threatened by bladed weapons, held captive, or attacked by larger, imposing characters. In one sequence, a woman smashes a bottle and brandishes it as a weapon, and in another a cat bounces on his sword between a man’s fingers. A perpetually positive dog recalls his previous owners’ attempts to kill him, but appears not to understand the true intention behind their actions.


    There are spoken uses of mild bad language (‘crap’, ‘bugger’) and implied uses (e.g. ‘bullsh-‘). There are also scenes in which it is implied characters are swearing repeatedly, but their language is bleeped out. Milder terms include uses of ‘butt’, ‘hell’ and ‘jerk’.

    Rude humour

    There are jokes relating to cats urinating and defecating, and to a bear having ‘dingleberries’.

  • Seating Accessibility Information


    Seat size

    Seats in the Cinema are 45cm (172/3“) wide and 46cm (18“) deep, are 40cm (152/3“) from the floor, and have 12cm (42/3“) between seats.


    Seats in the Cinema have armrests that do not fold away, and cannot be completely removed.


    Seats in the cinema have 30cm (112/3”) of legroom in front of seats, with additional legroom on row A and seats B1-B4 and B11-B14.

    Further information

    If you have any questions about accessibility our Box Office team are always happy to help and can be contacted on 01642 525199 or by emailing [email protected] - you can also tell us about your access requirements when prompted to do so during the online booking process.