No tickets are currently available.

General Prices: Free

Duration: 3hrs 30mins

Sat 9 Mar
1.30pm – 5pm
ARC, Stockton

Writing poetry can be a lonely business but not when you have got your mates around you. If you’ve ever wanted to set up your own spoken word collective or even if you’re just curious, join Slate as they uncover everything you need to know to get started.

Afshan D’Souza-Lodhi from the Yoniverse will take you through the practicalities and pitfalls of working as part of a collective. By the end of this Slate workshop, you’ll have your own manifesto and enough fire in your belly to take over the world.

How to apply:

Open to Black* artists from across the North. If you require help with travel costs please email [email protected] to discuss.

Places are limited, to apply to take place in this workshop click here by Thu 28 Feb, 5pm.

This event is created by Slate, an Eclipse movement supporting Black* artists in the North to work on a local, national and international level.

* To Eclipse, Black includes anyone who is marginalized for their race or ethnicity.

Photo credit: Slate Writer’s Group 2018

  Slate Logo_Black + Orange With Strap.jpg