Dynamic Pricing
ARC’s policy is to set ticket prices based on demand, like budget airlines, which means we set a price when the event goes on sale and then sometimes put the price up or down depending on how the show is selling. Usually, the price will increase as we get closer to the event, so it is advantageous to book in advance, although sometimes we will put special offers on and reduce the price. Our website will always show the current ticket price.
ARC’s theatre and dance performances are priced on a Pay What You Decide basis, which means you don’t have to pay until after you have seen a show!
We want to encourage more people to come and see shows at ARC, more often. Pay What You Decide not only allows you to pay what you can afford, rather than a fixed ticket price, but also removes the financial risk of buying a ticket for a show in advance without knowing whether you are going to enjoy it or not.
Tickets are available to book in advance as usual, but there is no obligation for you to pay until after you have seen the show. You can then decide on a price which you think is suitable based on your experience, which means if you haven’t enjoyed it at all, you don’t have to pay anything.
All money collected will help ARC pay the artists who have performed, and we therefore hope you will give generously.
Please ensure you have arrived and collected your tickets 15 minutes before the show starts in order to secure your seats. At the end of the show, you can decide what to pay, either by cash on the door or by card at the Box Office.
Listen here for an audio version of the description
Click here for larger text version of the description
We would like to invite BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of colour), QTIPOC (queer, trans, and intersex people of colour), and disabled QTIBIPOC to converse in a safe space about issues and needs in the artistic sector, specifically in regards to artistic care, access, wellbeing, and cultivation/development.
Our group of artists are based in the North East of England, but we are interested in connecting with artists nationally as well. This conversation is for artists in the industry of various backgrounds who identify as politically black/a person of colour.
About this Meeting
The aim of this meet-up is to discuss and plan anti-racist activism within the arts and cultural sectors, and what role Culture Against Racism and the BIPOC Meet-up should play in that. We understand that many artists are unsalaried freelancers, and so we are offering a small honorarium of £25 for attendees who wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend the meet-up. Please email [email protected] with your order number to confirm that you would like to receive this.
About Culture Against Racism
Our first facilitator in our conversation will be with Hannabiell. Hannabiell is a bass trombonist, an African hand percussionist, and a composer. She is a progressive music teacher who strives to teach her students different ways of using their voices to build and make unified communities through music. An African American Jamaican, originally from New Jersey-USA, she is currently living in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Culture Against Racism is a collaborative network of individuals and organisations committed to creating an anti-racist culture, and creative sector, in the North East of England.
In June 2020, Culture Against Racism emerged when the cultural sector of the North East of England initiated a statement denouncing racism and seeking to bring about a collective change in thinking and action as organisations and individuals.
About QTIPOC/BIPOC Artist Meet-up
Our second facilitator, Symoné, is a queer black circus artist, performance artist and creative producer who has recently been appointed one of the Artists of Change with ARC. These meet-ups gather artists from the NE of England and throughout the UK to discuss and take action on important issues in the arts. In addition, the meet-up is designed for artists to come together to collaborate and work in ARC’s Stockton’s space.
Safe space, access, and care
We are interested in keeping this conversation with BIPOC and QTIPOC artists only.
Our safe space policy means no homophobia, racism, disability discrimination or any other phobic or discriminatory behaviour and/or language.
This is a space for us to speak about our feelings, experiences, and ideas. It’s important for this space to feel comfortable for everyone to express themselves freely as we hope to make some actions for future progression in the arts sector.
We aim to meet everyone’s access requirements. If you require BSL, captioning, or other access support to attend the meeting, please let us know in advance.
Our Discussion
We will have several break out rooms for participants to come in with their own topics they would like to bring out in the discussion. We will have one specific break out room focused towards the topic of money. Money is a vital topic as freelancers and we seldom have space to discuss with one another fees, budgets, invoicing, taxes, etc. Our aim with this particular break out room is for artists to have an opportunity to bring up important discussions around this topic, leading with some open questions we can discuss in our own way.
We have a few questions and topics to explore around the topic of money:
● How do you feel about the conversation of money with venues/festivals/events?
● When working under an agent, how much of a percentage do they take from your fee?
● What does a fair fee look like? How do you calculate and outline your own fees?
● How have you dealt with late payments?
● How has the pandemic affected your relationship with money?
● How much time do you spend upskilling/collaborating and creating unpaid work compared to paid work?
● How do you feel about fee haggling?
● How do you justify working on unpaid collaborations vs. paid opportunities?
This event will take place via Zoom, starting at 6pm and finishing around 8.20pm/8.30pm. For privacy reasons, we will not record these sessions. If you don’t feel comfortable disclosing any information, you are not obligated to. There will be an additional 30 minutes (until 9pm) for anyone that wishes to stay to continue any conversations.
It’s free to attend but spaces are limited, so please do book in advance. We’ll then send you a very short questionnaire to complete to help us get to know you and any requirements you may have.
Please note: Booking closes at 3pm on the day of the meet-up.
Listen here for an audio version of the description
For questions please contact: [email protected]
For accessibility support please contact: [email protected]