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We welcome you back after the summer break. This month’s topic is very timely, given the summer of sport we’ve been enjoying. We’re looking forward to hearing Dr Matthew Wright talk about how science is helping to improve sporting performance.

Matthew says – the incredible performances you see on your TV screens when watching the Paris Olympics, Wimbledon the European Football Championship or the ICC World T20 Cup do not happen by accident. Yes, the athletes are naturally talented and have developed their skills over years of dedicated practice, but science plays an important part in their preparation and performance. Advances in technology like “super shoes” in distance running have demonstrably improved performances, but scientific methods are also used to inform decisions on training and recovery methods, help develop talent more effectively, and inform logistics when dealing with environmental factors such as long-haul travel, changes in altitude or temperature.

About our speaker – Matthew is an accredited sport and exercise scientist and strength and conditioning coach who has been working with talented athletes for over 15 years. His PhD explored the physical development of girls’ football players where he continues to provide physical development support to talented young players in the Tees Valley. As well as co-supervising a PhD student at Middlesbrough FC he is currently working with clubs across North America’s Major League Soccer to explore the effect of the environmental challenges that come with their extensive travel.