No tickets are currently available.

Running Time: 2hrs 50mins

Seating: Unallocated - Theatre Style

This is a dementia supportive screening in association with Teesside Dementia Link Services.

In 1910s London, snobbish phonetics professor Henry Higgins agrees to a wager that he can make a crude flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, presentable in high society.

Director: George Cuker

Cast: Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway

TDLS logo on a green backgorund







  • Access Information - Cinema


    Seat size

    Seats in the Cinema are 45cm (172/3“) wide and 46cm (18“) deep, are 40cm (152/3“) from the floor, and have 12cm (42/3“) between seats.


    Seats in the Cinema have armrests that do not fold away, and cannot be completely removed.


    Seats in the cinema have 30cm (112/3”) of legroom in front of seats, with additional legroom on row A and seats B1-B4 and B11-B14.

    Further information

    If you have any questions about accessibility our Box Office team are always happy to help and can be contacted on 01642 525199 or by emailing [email protected] - you can also tell us about your access requirements when prompted to do so during the online booking process.

  • Information about relaxed performances and screenings

    We offer a number of daytime family theatre performances and cinema screenings designed to make trips to ARC a more relaxed experience for learning disabled people, people with autism and people with sensory or neurological conditions

    Relaxed performances have a number of distinguishing features:

    • Lower volume levels
    • No foyer music
    • Consistent lighting with auditorium lights on throughout
    • There is a relaxed attitude to noise and moving around the auditorium
    • You can reserve extra seats if you need space to be comfortable
    • If you prefer not to queue please let us know when booking
    • We can provide a chill out space should you need a break.
  • Companion Ticket Scheme

    A free ticket is available to a companion accompanying a disabled person to an event, where it is an access requirement. To book a companion ticket or accessible seating as part of your order please contact the Box Office team on 01642 525199 or email [email protected]

    You can tell us about any other access requirements you have at the time of booking.