Dynamic Pricing
ARC’s policy is to set ticket prices based on demand, like budget airlines, which means we set a price when the event goes on sale and then sometimes put the price up or down depending on how the show is selling. Usually, the price will increase as we get closer to the event, so it is advantageous to book in advance, although sometimes we will put special offers on and reduce the price. Our website will always show the current ticket price.
ARC’s theatre and dance performances are priced on a Pay What You Decide basis, which means you don’t have to pay until after you have seen a show!
We want to encourage more people to come and see shows at ARC, more often. Pay What You Decide not only allows you to pay what you can afford, rather than a fixed ticket price, but also removes the financial risk of buying a ticket for a show in advance without knowing whether you are going to enjoy it or not.
Tickets are available to book in advance as usual, but there is no obligation for you to pay until after you have seen the show. You can then decide on a price which you think is suitable based on your experience, which means if you haven’t enjoyed it at all, you don’t have to pay anything.
All money collected will help ARC pay the artists who have performed, and we therefore hope you will give generously.
Please ensure you have arrived and collected your tickets 15 minutes before the show starts in order to secure your seats. At the end of the show, you can decide what to pay, either by cash on the door or by card at the Box Office.
General Prices: Free
Duration: 1hr 30mins
Middlesbrough-born Daniel Bye is a theatre maker who’s making a new show called These Hills Are Ours with Boff Whalley from Chumbawamba. These Hills Are Ours is about escaping it all by running to wild places. Escaping the city, escaping your past, escaping the restrictions upbringing or class or politics. It’s a celebration of wild places and our freedom to roam them.
While they’re making the show, Dan and Boff want to spend an evening exploring why Roseberry Topping, the ‘Matterhorn of the North’, means so much to us. Whether you’re up there every weekend, haven’t been since you were a kid, or just love the silhouette on the skyline, they want to hear from you. Runners, ramblers, nature enthusiasts, scout leaders and weekend warriors – all welcome.
What’s it for? They’re gathering thoughts and feelings about Roseberry Topping in order to write a song about it for a choir to sing. The choir will sing the song on Roseberry Topping itself, sometime in the first half of next year. If you’re not a singer, though, don’t worry – you don’t have to be in order to come along to this evening session. But if you do fancy being in the choir, this would be a great first step to finding out more.
The evening will be a mix of discussion and practical exploration – no skills required, just a love for that hill!
We can accommodate all access requirements – just let us know your needs and we’ll endeavour to meet them.
If you’d like to attend, please email [email protected] to let us know you’ll be coming along – thanks!