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General Prices: Free

Duration: 1hr

How to be an Aunt

1. Wear steel-rimmed spectacles
2. Keep your niece or nephew in a cupboard under the stairs and hide their post
3. Smoke a pipe and keep a Great Bavarian Mountain Owl as a pet

In 2017 Tilly became an aunt the same week she inherited the belongings of a fascinating and eccentric late great aunt. Now she’s looking through those dusty boxes of letters, diaries, lists and photographs, and re-evaluating the aunts in her favourite books and films, all to try and work out how to be the best possible auntie to her niece Juno.

Aunting is a new show, currently in development, exploring the importance of aunts and of being an aunt, particularly for women who have chosen not to have children. The research and development phase has been funded by Arts Council England and supported by Hull Truck, ARC Stockton, In Good Company and Nottingham Playhouse.

This is an informal sharing of around twenty minutes of work-in-progress, which will be followed by a space for conversation about aunting and aunts – including those who are related and those who are ‘honorary’ aunties. Tilly is keen to hear your stories of special or eccentric aunties, of being aunties, and ideas about how you’d like aunties to be present in the lives of your children.

The event is open to anyone who would like to attend – just drop an email to [email protected] to let us know that you’ll be coming along!