ARC has 66 employees. 14 of these work on a full time basis, 18 part time and around 30 work on flexible contracts in our front of house and catering teams. We also employ lots of artists and freelancers – you can read our Freelancers Policy here.

ARC vacancies are advertised on our website, and social media channels and via Arts Jobs, a free listings service that you can sign up to. Please keep an eye on these to hear about current and future vacancies.

We are keen that the workforce of ARC is representative of our wider communities and audiences so we strongly encourage applications from people from the global majority and disabled people.

We offer a flexible and supportive working environment. We value experience as well as skills and qualifications. We ensure everyone in the organisation is aware of our equality and diversity commitments.

We offer a flexible and supportive working environment. We value experience as well as skills and qualifications. We ensure everyone in the organisation is aware of our equality and diversity commitments and are striving to become an anti-racist organisation.

If you have any questions about job vacancies, please email [email protected]

Please apply using the ARC Application Form

You can find out more about what working at ARC is like from some of our staff past and present.

Current vacancies