Free flowing Theatre at ARC

In the early throes of the summer months, there is even more reason to enjoy a change of scenery and enjoy an evening of culture on your doorstep, with three shows coming to ARC which won’t cost a penny.

12 artists from Fuel Theatre are literally queuing up to show Stockton a good time on Tuesday 7 & Wednesday 8 May for their free exhibition, While You Wait. Queuing is not always a bad thing. When was the last time you laughed out loud in a post office queue; were inspired while waiting for the bus; or contemplated something beautiful because your friend was running late? Fuel has invited 12 artists to create a podcast each of which is a different meditation on the idea of waiting. Installed in a bespoke listening station these podcasts will surprise, delight and intrigue you while they wait.

On Friday 21 June award-winners Alex Swift and Kieran Hurley will be test running their work in progress, Violence at ARC. This unflinching investigation into the subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which violence shapes our lives, provides a space for reflection on and discussion of the many ways, both quiet and loud, that violence projects itself into our world. No signing of any disclaimers will be required.

Tom Walton will be urging audiences to look a little deeper into the seemingly insignificant, fleeting moments of life on Wednesday 26 June with When We Embraced. This playful and charming show is about the connections we make and embracing things you’ve not embraced before, or at least haven’t admitted to out loud.

Maybe now is the time to try an evening with a difference at ARC this summer. Search for something a little more real, a little more spontaneous with Tom Walton’s, When We Embraced. Probe into the system of Violence with Alex Swift and Kieran Hurley’s Violence, or simply enjoy the freedom of laughing out loud in a Post Office queue with Fuel Theatre’s While You Wait.