Hearing Electronic Voices

Electronic Voice Pheneomena is an experimental literature and new media project for 2013, exploring contemporary approaches to sound, voice, technology and writing. Konstantin Raudive’s notorious ‘Breakthrough’ experiments of the 1970s, saw him divine voices-from-beyond in electronic noise. Themes of otherness, the profane and celestial join with new approaches to writing and performing.

Featuring séances-of-the-absurd, backmasking and ghost-calls, the Electronic Voice Phenomena tour will be making a stop at ARC on Thu 23 May with a roster of exclusive new commissions and core works in text, technology and physical performance by poets Ross Sutherland, Hannah Silva, SJ Fowler and indie experimenters Outfit, plus special guest performer Richard Milward, who last year unleashed his new work, Kimberley’s Capital Punishment in a evening of music and book signing at ARC, following the success of his previous novel, Apples.

The commissions are based on the premise that both artists and audiences of inter-media art join in a process of divination, belief and association similar to that employed by those finding ghost messages in early tape recordings. This thinkspace links to the paranormal, while also suggesting ways for properly contemporary performance and writing to form connections across electronic interface, human and spiritual other. Expect an evening of multiple flows, augury and errant switches.

• Mercy and Penned in the Margins present Electric Voice Phenomena at ARC on Thur 23 Mar at 8pm. Tickets are priced F: £10 C: £8 and can be purchased here.