Hearing loop systems introduced

Four new hearing loop systems have been introduced in different parts of the venue to improving accessibility for deaf and disabled people.

Hearing loop systems have been installed due to funding from the Cultural Shift programme, and are now available to use at the box office, in the No 60 café bar, in the cinema and also in the studio theatre.

Chief Executive Annabel Turpin said: “The addition of the new loop systems, combined with increased numbers of BSL interpreted performances, mean we are offering improved access for Deaf and hearing impaired people.

“If a customer requires a hearing loop to use with their hearing aid, they can simply head to our Box Office and a member of staff will be on hand to provide further information.”

The addition of the hearing loops comes directly from the Cultural Shift, which aims to improve opportunities for disabled people to take part in the arts in a number of ways. 

The addition of the hearing loops comes shortly after the introduction of audio description equipment to the cinema. Films with audio description are listed in the cinema section of the website and will be indicated by the AD logo.