Join Luca on the Storytime Mat!

Tots can join in a free interactive storytime session at ARC and have a go at creating their own ideas during a series of daily playful pop up sessions, and Luca will also be leading an informal creative writing session (with tea and cake) for all ages!

Luca Rutherford, one of the venue’s Associate Artists, will be at ARC for just over two weeks with the aim of spreading some happiness and creativity to people of all ages.

She is looking for anyone with tiny tots aged from new-born to eight years old, to join her for some playful story-based activities on the ‘storytime mat’ in ARC’s ground floor foyer. Activities will be based on themes of adventures, animals, kindness and discovery.

Storytime with Luca will take place each day from 1pm for 30 minutes, which will be followed straight after by an interactive Draw, Play and Say, session which is also 30 minutes long.

Storytime with Luca (daily 1-1.30pm, ex. Wed 3 & Thu 4 Aug)
This interactive Storytime with Luca session will take place opposite Box Office around colourful cushions, bean bags and blankets. Luca will settle into Storytime by inviting everyone to wiggle their toes and puff out their cheeks, before getting into a comfy position with eyes that are ready to read and ears that are ready to listen. Luca will be reading a different children’s book each day, and everyone can join in and help her beat the baddies and celebrate some brave heroes.

Draw, Play and Say with Luca (daily 1.30 – 2pm, ex. Wed 3 & Thu 4 Aug)
Straight after Storytime, everyone will be fired up and ready to have a go at creating their very own stories filled with villains, goodies, mischief and lots of fun filled characters. This session also lasts for half an hour, and there will be a chance to draw, colour in, and make up some characters or just listen to other people’s ideas, before a relaxing rest and warm down on the comfy cushions.
You can attend either session or stay for both for the full hour, it is entirely up to you.

Write and Bite with Luca (Mon & Thu 12-12.45pm)

Luca will also be holding a free and informal Write and Bite session for all ages on Mondays and Thursdays in ARC’s No 60 café, from 12pm – 12.45pm.

This creative writing session is perfect for anyone who has an interest in writing for fun, or for those who are interested in writing short poems, one liners or simple short stories. Luca will introduce a different theme each session, and cakes and hot drinks will be available.