Outspoken Nerds head to ARC

Whether you loved or loathed the school science lab, Festival of the Spoken Nerd is here to feed your brain, tickle your ribs and light your Bunsen burner. Stand-up mathematician Matt Parker (BBC2 Things You Need To Know) experiments maestro Steve Mould (BBC1 Britain’s Brightest street scientist) and geeky songstress Helen Arney (BBC Radio4 Infinite Monkey Cage) mix astonishing science with statistically significant comedy – and maybe a few things that go BANG! Don’t let kids have all the fun with science… tonight the bar is open, there’s no homework to hand in and you won’t have to sit an exam at the end of the night.

Exponentially entertaining, unashamedly geeky and fearlessly inquisitive, Festival of the Spoken Nerd have performed at venues across the country, from sold-out shows at London’s Bloomsbury Theatre and Shakespeare’s Globe to The British Library, Theatre Royal Haymarket, TED and the Institute of Contemporary Arts. With over a million views on YouTube for their experiments, songs and stand-up, this is your chance to see three of the UK’s best (and nerdiest) performers in an unforgettable night of comedy and curiosity. Full Frontal Nerdity guaranteed!

Recommended age 15+. Contains strong language and spreadsheets.

• Festival of the Spoken Nerd presents Full Frontal Nerdity on Thur 6 Mar at 8pm. Tickets are F: £15 C: £13 and can be purchased here.