Phi is the magic number for ARC

ARC will being going for gold this February when they host the World Premiere of Prelude to a Number by Manchester-based theatre group Geddes Loom.

The show explores the unique number Phi and its deep underlying presence in many areas of life, from maths and science to the growth of plants and the movements of financial markets. Phi also forms the basis of the “Golden Ratio” – a phenomenon that has intrigued and inspired artists and composers throughout the ages.

Prelude to a Number is not like any kind of maths lecture that you might have had at school though. In their attempts to explain the significance of Phi Geddes Loom fuse spoken word, songwriting, beatboxing, story-telling and live-looped music to create a show that sits somewhere between a theatre performance and a live concept album. In doing so they hope to tap into a recent surge of interest in popular science. Performer Ben Mellor explains:

None of us are mathematical experts, by a long stretch, which is why we’re collaborating with proper mathematicians – but it’s not going to be a dry and dusty lecture, it’s going to be full of the humour, poetry and wonderment brought to us by scientific and mathematical explanations of the natural world.

This show is especially exciting as the whole project is only the second show to be developed by the Routes North commission network, made up of ARC, Theatre in the Mill in Bradford and The Lowry in Salford. Routes North exists to promote the creation of cutting-edge theatre from across the North of England.

Ever passionate about providing a developmental platform for emerging artists, ARC’s Chief Executive Annabel Turpin is looking forward to giving another company the opportunity in the 2014 Routes North project:

By combining the resources of three venues committed to artist development, we are able to support companies to achieve a real step change in their practice. As well as practical support, Routes North also provides a great boost to a company’s profile, and as someone who has always been passionate about spoken word, I am really pleased that we have chosen to work with Geddes Loom this year.

Geddes Loom, Routes North and 53 North present present Prelude to a Number from Tues 11 & Wed 12 Feb at 7pm. Tickets are F: £10 C: £8 and can be purchased here.