Spirit of Teesside – invitation to stallholders

Spirit of Teesside

A Day of Community Unity

Invitation To Take Part in the Marketplace

ARC Stockton

Wed 26 Sept 2018
11.30am – 3.30pm

The Spirit of Teesside event has been created by local disabled woman Vici Wreford-Sinnott.

It is a day aimed at celebrating the inner steel of the people of Teesside. When faced with the many challenges of life today, we come together and support each other, we create communities so that we can not only survive but actually thrive. Coming together is one of the most powerful things we can do when faced with adversity.

On the day we will have a community marketplace of stalls, community networking, information sharing and activities from local community and voluntary sector groups.

Everyone is welcome to have a stall, and of course, we do particularly want to ensure that organisations of disabled people and their supporters are able to showcase what they offer. It’s a chance to come together at ARC Stockton, to be visible and to raise profiles, and to challenge the negative perceptions of disability and our area that exist. And you can come and get involved in a great piece of community action!

Vici said, “I have great pride in Teesside – I just want the world to know that no matter how we are portrayed in the media, there is great spirit here. We’re not beaten, we are a very strong community, especially when we come together and support each other.”

Stalls at the Spirit of Teesside event are free and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. They can be booked by emailing [email protected].

As part of the Spirit of Teesside event, Little Cog – a disabled led theatre company from Teesside – will present a powerful new play. Occupation by Pauline Heath, a disabled writer, focuses on a disability rally where people who wouldn’t normally speak out, have gathered to raise attention to the real stories of disabled people in modern Britain. A cast of professional actors (including Patricia Jones from Emmerdale and Coronation Street) and a disabled director are working with a wonderful community cast from the local area to present what will be a truly community event. Tickets for the play are priced on a Pay What You Decide basis, which means that tickets are available to book in advance as usual, but there is no obligation for you to pay until after you have seen the show. You can then decide on a price which you think is suitable based on your experience.