joey she-he is a play about reclaiming languages, the d.i.y. spirit of punk and ultimately imagining better futures. this three hour workshop on friday 24th November 2017 – fun & accessible to all – responds to this.
the news doesn’t just report but selects and then actively tries to make us look at events in a certain way. this three-hour creative workshop explores some of how this is done and allows us space to answer back. together we will reclaim / imagine alternatives to the days news across visuals and text and turn these into a collective zine. you dont have to consider yourself a writer or artist – just someone interested in how our voices aren’t heard. this workshop is part of developing our play, joey, which is about reclaiming languages, the d.i.y. spirit of punk and ultimately imagining better futures
information for participants:
• first hour – introductions, very short bits of joey she-he presented, notes and worksheets given out. groups analysing some of the days newspapers (3 pages max) to see how this is done (i.e. not gut reaction – but looking at how narratives are constructed) then reporting back to room.
• second hour – creativities in response – visual and text (no rules, any ‘form’)
• third hour – collating zines.