No tickets are currently available.

Are you new to the area, feeling lonely, or just keen to make new friends?

Would you like to find out about activities and groups in Stockton – and meet people who you could enjoy them with?

A community meal is a relaxed way to connect with others.  The real magic happens when people start sharing conversations and have fun together!

Join us at ARC on Sat 3 Sep at 1pm for a FREE hot lunch*, where you’ll be able to:

  • Meet new people in a welcoming environment
  • Find out about activities, groups and experiences you could be part of
  • Enjoy live musical entertainment from local artists

Book your FREE ticket online, or by calling 01642 525199.

Places are limited and must be reserved by Mon 29 August.

* Vegan, halal & gluten free option available.  Please select your meal type and let us know if you have any food allergies when booking.