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Seating: Allocated - See Seating Plan for More Details

The Tees Valley International Film Festival brings you a gala world premiere of Teesside filmmaker Paul Suggitt’s “Eddy – My Universe”.

Charting the life of Hartlepool’s Eddy Ellwood, this documentary delves into the life of the five time Mr Universe Bodybuilding Champion. Eddy’s early years as doorman in the pubs and clubs of Teesside lead him into the dark world of enforcement that gave him a name very different from that of the successful gym owner he is known as today. The film also documents Eddy’s legal battle with the UK government after his refusal to close his gym under Covid lockdown regulations led to him being hit with a £56000 fine.

To make this world premiere even more special, Eddy Ellwood and Paul Suggitt will be in attendance to take part in an in depth interview and an open and honest Q&A session after the screening to tell you even more about Eddy’s remarkable life and the making of this equally remarkable documentary.