Join us every Saturday morning at ARC for Fun With Film!

Fun With Film is about having fun with your family while you enjoy the wonderful world of cinema together. There are creative and craft activities after the film at no extra cost, so the fun continues after the credits have rolled.

Every week we choose a film specially for family audiences, whether that a new release or a title your family already know and love, back for another outing at the big screen. The fun activities after the film have been expertly developed for families to take part in together, so there really is something for all ages. (We know parents love a chance to get creative just as much as their kids.)

At Fun With Film we offer a nurturing and creative environment for families to make memories together. We are respectful that our young audiences engage and express themselves in activities in different ways, therefore, Fun With Film is a welcoming space, with films screened on a relaxed basis.

Whether it’s every week, or once in a while for a treat, we can’t wait to welcome you to one of our weekly Fun With Film events. So, bring your family along and join in the fun.

Suitable for all ages.