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Pay What You Decide Info

Seating: Allocated - See Seating Plan for More Details

Enjoy an evening with a distinctly International flavour as ARC collaborators Mike McGrother and Infant Hercules bring back, (for one night only) The Diaspora Vocal Collective. This unique choir, (The DVC) was a regular ensemble that provided a safe, friendly and often hilarious way for Stocktonians to get to know new arrivals to our Borough – and vice versa!

Tonight we launch The Pals’ T-ESOL, (Teesside Explained to Speakers of Other Languages) with a sing, some supper and the chance to remember that we have more in common with each other than we have differences.

Celebrating Refugee Week 24 – Theme ‘Our Home’

This is a Pay What You Decide event with proceeds supporting ARC’s community engagement programme.

Supported by The Stockton Borough Council Pals Programme

  • The Point- access information

    Seat size

    In The Point, seats in rows A-GG are 36cm (14“) wide and 39cm (151/3“) deep. They are 41cm from the floor (16″) wide and 44.5cm (171/2”) deep. The seats are 44cm (171/3”) from the floor, and have a 10cm (4”) gap between seats.

    Seats in rows H and W are stools, are 36cm (14“) wide and 40cm (152/3“) deep. They are 76cm (30“) from the floor, and have a 25cm (93/4”) gap between seats. The stools also feature a footrest 42cm (161/2”) from the floor.

    Seats in rows K-V and Box 1are 42cm (161/2 “) wide and 45cm (172/3“) deep, 47 cm (181/2“) from the floor, and have 6cm (21/3“) gap between seats.

    Seats in Box 2 are 36cm (14“) wide and 39cm (151/3“) deep, 41 cm (16“) from the floor, and have 10cm (4“) gap between seats. These are loose removable chairs.


    Seats in The Point do not have armrests.


    Seat in rows A-GG have 20cm (73/4“) of legroom in front of each seat, with restricted legroom in rows A-D.

    Seats in rows H and W are stools and have 35cm (14“) of legroom.

    Seats in rows K-V have 20cm (73/4“) of legroom in front of each seat, with restricted legroom in the aisle seats. Seats in row S also have a vertical backrest.

    Seats in Box 2 have 50cm (192/3”) of legroom in front of the seats.

    Further information

    If you have any questions about accessibility our Box Office team are always happy to help and can be contacted on 01642 525199 or by emailing [email protected] - you can also tell us about your access requirements when prompted to do so during the online booking process.