Nature has inspired some of the greatest artists across the UK to create beautiful, exciting and impactful work. But nature is in crisis – only 5% of UK land is protected for nature and we are in the bottom 10% worldwide for protecting biodiversity – worse than anywhere else in the G7. We can’t let this continue. Our nature and wildlife is in peril.

This is why we are supporting People’s Plan for Nature – the biggest ever conversation about the future of nature in the UK. It will see people from across the UK contributing ideas on what they love about nature, what needs to happen in order for nature to thrive and brilliant examples of projects happening now that is helping to protect nature.

This is more than a conversation: this is thousands of people coming together to create a plan that’s too big for governments, businesses and NGOs to ignore.  

Solving the nature crisis is a big challenge. That is why everyone in the UK needs to come together to think of bold new solutions – 67 million heads, in 4 countries, are better than one.

Next time you visit us, you will find a People’s Plan for Nature tree, situated at Box Office, along with special inspiration leaves. Write down your thoughts on the leaves, hang it on the tree, and share it with the world!