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Seating: Allocated - See Seating Plan for More Details

In a realm known as Kumandra, a re-imagined Earth inhabited by an ancient civilization, a warrior named Raya is determined to find the last dragon.

  • BBFC Rating Info (May contain spoilers)

    Threat and horror

    There are scenes in which fantastical creatures threaten humans and turn them to stone. These scenes also include brief focus on scared characters. There are also some chase scenes, but there are often moments of humour to counterbalance the threat.


    There are fight scenes which include kicks and punches to the head and body, as well as the use of bladed weapons. There is no injury detail. In one scene, a dragon is shot with an arrow; however, he subsequently reappears unharmed.

    In one scene, a girl is saved by her father who pushes her into a river before he is turned to stone. There is brief very mild rude humour in which a character breaks wind, as well as one clear use of ‘cretin’.