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Seating: Allocated - See Seating Plan for More Details


An aging and disenchanted film star gets a new assistant in the form of a young female security officer.

French with English Subtitles

  • Information about screenings with subtitles

    Subtitled screenings offer captions which transcribe dialogue only. Subtitled screenings attempt to give D/deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers an understanding of the spoken dialogue within the film, but do not include description about other aspects of the soundtrack, including music and sound effects.

  • BBFC Ratings Info (May Contain Spoilers)


    There is use of strong language (‘f**k’), implied strong language (‘WTF’) and milder terms including ‘shit’, ‘bullshit’, ‘piss’, ‘ass’, ‘screw’, ‘damn’, ‘God’, and ‘hell’.

    There is infrequent natural nudity as women change and shower in a locker room. Brief moments of violence include someone being assaulted in the street and sequences of wrestling violence. There are occasional verbal and visual sex references. A man is in poor health and there are distressing sequences in which he struggles to breathe or is believed dead. Dead fish are found on a man’s floor.