Dates & Times

Fri 08 Nov 2024
object(WPSPX_Price)#26264 (9) { ["band_id":"WPSPX_Price":private]=> int(1) ["band_default":"WPSPX_Price":private]=> string(1) "1" ["ticket_type_id":"WPSPX_Price":private]=> int(220) ["is_band_default"]=> bool(true) ["price"]=> float(0) ["ticket_type_name"]=> string(19) "Pay What You Decide" ["band_name"]=> string(9) "The Point" ["commission_amount"]=> NULL ["commission_display"]=> NULL }
Pay What You Decide

Pay What You Decide Info

Seating: Allocated - See Seating Plan for More Details

For the past year, the Tees Valley International Film Festival has been inviting independent filmmakers from all over the world to submit their short films for inclusion in the festival. We’re proud to present to you the films we selected as best in the Music Video category.

The following music videos will be shown:

Elsie’s Cup – Dir. Marie Hynes
Novablood – Biblical – Dir. Clive Tonge
The Dawdler – Dir. Mike Lee Thomas
Where All the Extra Pounds Came From – Dir. Jonluke McKie
Thrones: Wires – Dir. Oscar W. Fitchett
If It Looks Like Magic – Dir. Graham Williamson
You’ll Make It Home – Dir. Sheryl Jenkins
Theeye – Dir. Vinod Ravi
She is my Precious – Dir. K.K. Hammond
Canon – Knocked Out – Dir. Michael S.U. Hudson
Amelia Coburn – Sleepy Town – Dir. Andrew Johnson and Jay Moussa Mann