No tickets are currently available.

This class will be taking place in person only.

Tai Chi is the Chinese art of systematic body movement designed to achieve physical, mental and spiritual harmony. This course will give you a step-by-step guide to achieving calm, fitness and balance. Open to beginners and more experienced learners.

Each class begins with meditation and moves on to a series of gentle exercises, moving on to practise the form (routine) and ending with breathing exercises. This class caters for all adults from complete beginners to intermediates, including people with mobility problems.

  • Companion Ticket Scheme

    A free ticket is available to a companion accompanying a disabled person to an event, where it is an access requirement. To book a companion ticket or accessible seating as part of your order please contact the Box Office team on 01642 525199 or email [email protected]

    You can tell us about any other access requirements you have at the time of booking.

  • About the Tutor

    Mike Watson is a qualified instructor with over 15 years of experience teaching Tai Chi.

  • Benefits of Tai Chi

    Tai Chi can also be practised for its health benefits. The class focuses on the health aspects of Tai Chi Chuan. Benefits include:

    • Improves posture, flexibility and balance.
    • Reduces stress and promotes mental well-being.
    • Lowers blood pressure. Strengthens and tones muscles.
    • Increase energy levels.
    • Can help to control Type 2 diabetes.
  • What do I need to bring?

    Please wear loose, comfortable clothing that you can move easily in, and supportive training shoes.