No tickets are currently available.

Estimated Running Time: 45mins with no interval

Ages 3+

A rollicking, heart-warming tale for everyone.

This musical adaptation of the award-winning children’s book will delight audiences young and old with beautiful puppets, catchy tunes and an uplifting tale of self-acceptance for all the family.

Gertie is great at being THE LITTLEST YAK, with the CURLIEST, WHIRLIEST wool and the GRIPPIEST of hooves for clip-clopping up cliffs. Only, Gertie doesn’t want to be the littlest. She’s in a rush to grow up and be just like THE BIG YAKS. But what if there are some things that only a GERTIE can do?

A gorgeous story celebrating YOU being perfect…just the way you are!

Nominated for a whopping 4 OffWestEnd Awards including Best Script, Music, Performance and Design, LAStheatre brings The Littlest Yak to the stage in spectacular fashion. Join them this Spring half-term for a dazzling adventure, into the heart of the Himalayas.

  • Access Information - Theatre


    Seat size

    In our theatre the seats are 38cm (15″) wide and 44.5cm (17½”) deep. The seats are 44cm (171/3”) from the floor, and have an 8cm (3”) gap between seats.


    Seats have armrests on either side of the seat which cannot be removed completely. Seats on rows A, C and D have armrests which can be folded away and slot between the seat backs. On all other rows armrests are fixed and cannot be folded or removed.


    There is 30cm (112/3“) of legroom in front of each seat, with additional legroom in rows D and L, and in Box 1 and Box 2.

    Further information

    If you have any questions about accessibility our Box Office team are always happy to help and can be contacted on 01642 525199 or by emailing [email protected] - you can also tell us about your access requirements when prompted to do so during the online booking process.

  • Companion Ticket Scheme

    A free ticket is available to a companion accompanying a disabled person to an event, where it is an access requirement. To book a companion ticket or accessible seating as part of your order please contact the Box Office team on 01642 525199 or email [email protected]

    You can tell us about any other access requirements you have at the time of booking.