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What Will Survive of Us is a cultural heritage project conceived by artist Kit Green and co-produced by Entelechy Arts and Christopher Green. This is a hopeful project designed to engage people in curating their own creative history. It asks questions about how as individuals we can be empowered to create and curate our own creative legacies which succeed us once we have died.

Kit Green has an invitation to participants to create, curate, or commission six pieces of art (however you define art is up to you). You will make your page on the platform, with an image of yourself in the centre. Around that will be the six items.

These can be anything at all that can be represented in one image. When that image is clicked on there is the item, image, sound file, text, recipe, or whatever you need it to be. There is also the possibility of writing up to 100 words about that thing if you think it needs context.

This process could be something you do in 15 minutes, or you could spend months carefully creating each piece of art for yourself. The structure is flexible, so that you can make it what is important to you.

  • Saturday 7 September: Weekend workshop

10.30am – 3.30pm

Come along for the whole day and work with Kit and their team on your profile

  • Sunday 8 September: Weekend workshop

10.30am – 3.30pm

Come along for the whole day and work with Kit and their team on your profile

  • Monday 9 September: 2 drop-in workshops (AM & PM)

10.30am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 3.30pm

Come along to either workshop (or both) to work with Kit and the team on your profile

  • Tuesday 10 September: 2 drop-in workshops (AM & PM)

10.30am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 3.30pm

Come along to either workshop (or both) to work with Kit and the team on your profile.

A gallery of images of people - a combination of photographs and drawings