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Seating: Allocated - See Seating Plan for More Details

In Lithuanian with English subtitles

When dancer Elena meets sign language interpreter Dovydas their instant connection bodes well for a romantic relationship. But when Doyvdas reveals he’s asexual, their dynamic changes as both try to find a way to be together while fulfilling their respective needs. This Sundance award-winner is a modern love story about two people exploring how to build their own kind of intimacy.

‘Shot on 16mm, Marija Kavtaradze’s quiet drama tells a mature and moving story about the many ways people can be in love’-  ★★★ The Guardian

‘An absolute delight – the most touching film about the tender, treacherous dance ofhuman intimacy you’re likely to see this year’ – ★★★★ Uncut

‘Beyond its exquisitely granular precision, the film is notable for its levity, neverdiminishing the genuine spark of the couple’s connection – Slant Magazine

‘A supremely confident piece of filmmaking that negotiates the tricky terrain of non-typical sexualities with sensitivity, humour and a refreshing lightness of touch’ – Screen International (Wendy Ide)

‘Intimate and touching… a tender portrait of love and companionship, of what our bodies yearn and want in others, and how we could do well to upend the stories we tell each other about living and loving another’ – Variety

Director – Marija Kavtaradze

Cast – Greta Grineviciute, Kęstutis Cicėnas, Rimante ValiukaiteMère

  • Information about screenings with subtitles

    Subtitled screenings offer captions which transcribe dialogue only. Subtitled screenings attempt to give D/deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers an understanding of the spoken dialogue within the film, but do not include description about other aspects of the soundtrack, including music and sound effects.

  • Seating accessibility information


    Seat size

    Seats in the Cinema are 45cm (172/3“) wide and 46cm (18“) deep, are 40cm (152/3“) from the floor, and have 12cm (42/3“) between seats.


    Seats in the Cinema have armrests that do not fold away, and cannot be completely removed.


    Seats in the cinema have 30cm (112/3”) of legroom in front of seats, with additional legroom on row A and seats B1-B4 and B11-B14.

    Further information

    If you have any questions about accessibility our Box Office team are always happy to help and can be contacted on 01642 525199 or by emailing [email protected] - you can also tell us about your access requirements when prompted to do so during the online booking process.

  • BBFC rating information (may contain spoilers)


    There is strong language (‘f**k’, ‘motherf**ker’), as well as milder terms such as ‘hell’, ‘God’ and ‘damn’.


    Scenes of strong sex feature thrusting, masturbation and oral sex, but without graphic detail. Moderate verbal sex references include comments about erections, masturbation and online pornography.


    There are references to a mother discouraging her young daughter from taking up ballet because of her weight, telling her that “ballerinas aren’t built like that”. Discrimination is not endorsed by the film as a whole.


    There is a passing reference to joint smoking.

    Alcohol and smoking

    Adult characters smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol.