Christmas show commission 2017 & 2018 callout!

We are seeking to commission two new Christmas shows for children aged 3 – 7, and we are pleased to announce that the application process is now open. This commission is partnership with The Albany, Deptford.

Each show will be presented in one venue in 2017, and then in the other venue in 2018.

The commission packages include £40,000 cash funding plus wrap-around in-kind support. It seeks to support  two companies to make exciting and diverse Christmas shows which have a wide appeal to local primary schools, nurseries and family audiences in both South East London and the North East.

Each successful company will make and present a new show, in one venue in 2017 and the other in 2018, delivering up to 50 performances in December 2017 and December 2018.

Gavin Barlow, Chief Executive at the Albany said:

“These commissions will allow us to provide work of the highest quality to our family audiences at Christmas. The commissions grew out of a shared desire across our organisations to provide exciting, original and excellent work for our audiences, and to champion companies capable of making that work.”

Annabel Turpin, Chief Executive at ARC, Stockton Arts Centre said:

“We’re looking for companies who can bring a contemporary approach – taking familiar titles or a seasonal theme and use them to create something that reflects modern British audiences. By commissioning new work for our performance spaces we hope to create shows which will provide exceptional first experiences of theatre for children and families.”

To find out what we are looking for, details about the two venues, timescales, commission arrangements, financial and technical arrangements and to apply, please click here.

Proposals should be no more than 4 sides of A4 and emailed to: [email protected] by 10am, Mon 4 Apr 2016.