Drawing, Drawing, Drawing…Lizzie Lovejoy’s Second Blog

Lizzie Lovejoy's illustration of Middlesbrough's Transporter Bridge

It’s been a really busy two weeks! After talking to as many people at ARC as possible, I got to drawing and I’ve filled multiple sketchbooks with drawings of buildings, light houses, bridges and all of the places that we’ve deemed our favourites. The North is full of so many beautiful things, it really is exciting to have the opportunity to celebrate them all – some I’ve seen before and some I haven’t, but they all have such fantastic stories behind them.

Image of sketchpads and pen

The first Change of Perspective podcast was released last week and I was delighted to hear such a positive response from everyone, and a lot of love to Wildlamb and Slutmouth for their incredible new projects for female identifying and fem practitioners. Their online exhibition ‘Let Us Eat Cake’ with PineappleBlack will be viewable from Monday 8 March. It shares the work of so many different fem artists and will be great to see!

As a neurodivergent artist, and a person with many disabled friends and family, accessibility in the arts has always been important to me. I have been reaching out to fellow creatives in the field and the next podcast episode will be ‘Creativity and Disability.’ Watch this space!

I’ve coloured over fifty different images in the last 3 weeks, and some of them are ready to share, but the rest you may have to wait until the first exhibition to see. ‘What Does Home Mean To You?’ will launch in the windows of ARC and online on Thursday 1 April and it will showcase not only my work but the work of other Tees Valley creatives! One of which is @Crunchy_Illustration on Instagram. Feel free to check out some of the other brilliant work they’ve created.

For now, it’s back to my makeshift studio in the hallway. I love working there because there are so many books! I may be dyslexic, but you can’t beat the smell of an old paperback. See you in two weeks!

