Falling-out at ARC

Shoofly Theatre pose these questions in their latest feud-fraught children’s show, You’re Not My Friend Anymore!, coming to ARC on Saturday 9 March.

High experienced children’s theatre makers, Katie Sykes and Craig Edwards of Shoofly Theatre have already been involved in a number of critically acclaimed productions including, How Cold My Toes, Boing, We’re Going On A Bear Hunt, Treasure Island, The Ugly Duckling and Cinderella and Stickman.

Of their latest show, You’re Not My Friend Anymore!, Katie and Craig said they took a child perspective on the process,

As parents we have often heard the phrase “You’re Not My Friend Anymore!” spoken either by our children or one of their friends. It seems this phrase usually comes at the end of a long, sometimes emotional discussion over the rules of a game or who gets to play with what toy, born out of the frustration of not being able to manage and solve these difficult situations. To us as adults and parents these words are cruel and final. Is this the end of their friendship? Of course it isn’t and usually within minutes the differences are forgotten as a new game begins.

Suitable for ages 3+, You’re Not My Friend Anymore! is a funny and poignant look at the ups and downs, ins and outs of friendship. Join Shoofly Theatre in their quest to uncover the secrets of being a good friend.

• Shoofly Theatre presents You’re Not My Friend Anymore! at ARC on Saturday 9 March at 2.30pm. Tickets are priced F: £6 C: £20 and can be purchased here.