Feeling the burn

Kate Fox Half Term The Starting Line

Commissioned by Bupa Great North Run Culture and produced by ARC The Starting Line is a funny, thoughtful spoken word show suitable for a family audience and involving optional interaction with brains and bodies.

Stand up poet Kate Fox is actually much better at sitting down. However, when she became Poet in Residence for the Bupa Great North Run she discovered that running and writing had more in common than she had ever imagined. She also discovered that it’s not what your body looks like that matters – it is what your body can do. It wasn’t long before her rigorous training schedule revealed previously hidden benefits, as she explains:

“When I was Poet in Residence for the Great North Run I discovered there were more benefits to not being a couch potato than I’d realized. If someone had said that running would make me happier and make my writing better then I’d have done more of it earlier. I just needed to hear reasons that weren’t to do with looking like a Hollywood star or an Olympic athlete. I hope my show will demonstrate some.”

Audiences will be given the chance to see instant results in swapping sweets for carrots, form a giant, imaginatively formed digestion system, and literally power the show with their own energy resources in this fun and interactive performance which gives food for thought as well as exercise.

Mixes poetry and motivational anecdotes with a beaker of science and the warmth of a Bunsen burner.

– The Journal

• Kate Fox presents The Starting Line at ARC on Sat 3 Nov at 2.30pm. Tickets are priced £6 Family (4 people):£20 and can be purchased here.