Nerd rules

Stand-up mathematician Matt Parker, geek songstress Helen Arney and experiments guy Steve Mould present a Festival of The Spoken Nerd at ARC on Saturday 10 November for the fearlessly inquisitive.

After a year of sell-out shows in London and science festivals around the country, they’re bringing their unique mix of facts and fun to ARC for the sum total of one night only.

Spoken Nerd has appeared at comedy venues and science festivals across the country, including London’s Theatre Royal Haymarket and Bloomsbury Theatre, Shakespeare’s Globe, Green Man music festival, and the Edinburgh Fringe. Science festivals shows in 2012 include Brighton, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Cheltenham and the British Science Festival in Aberdeen.

Recent guests include comedians Robin Ince, Matt Kirshen, Helen Keen, Alex Horne, Mike Wozniak, Nick Doody, Sara Pascoe, Yianni Agisilaou, Kent Valentine, Jim Smallman and Joanna Neary. Guest scientists include Prof Richard Wiseman, Prof Andrea Sella, Dr Lucie Green, RI lecturers Prof Bruce Hood and Dr Mark Miodownik, Prof Andrea Sella, Dr Lewis Dartnell, Prof Dave Cliff, FameLab finalist Dr Matt Baker, Dr Andrew Pontzen, economist Tim Harford, and NYC roboticist Heather Knight with her stand-up robot, Data.

Join three of the UK’s best (and nerdiest) performers for an evening of comedy, science, music, maths and interactive experiments as they ask those all-important questions:

How can you use a parabola to set stuff on fire?
How does the angler fish make love?
And how dangerous can things get with just numbers?

There’s always time for questions at the end, and extra marks are given for showing your workings.

Don’t miss this gem of intelligent fun

– STV Edinburgh

A riotously funny show about science… brimming with unashamed geekery

– Three Weeks

Harnesses comedy to highlight what is fun – and funny – about science


• Festival of the Spoken Nerd present shows at ARC on Sat 10 Nov at 8pm. Tickets are priced F:£14 C:£12 and can be purchased here.