Happy from Stockton’s memories

Since Mon 7 Oct, artists Ben Eaton, Victoria Pratt and Richard Warburton have been asking passers-by to describe their key moment of happiness, explaining where it happened and, on a scale of 1-10, how happy it made them. A plastic rod has then been placed on a giant map in the shop to mark that person’s memory, where it was, and how happy it made them.

In the time that Invisible Flock have been in Stockton, they have received hundreds of memories, which are all available to view online at www.bringthehappy.co.uk. These memories will be contributing to their 3D Map of Happiness which not only charts the good feeling in Stockton, but across the length and breadth of the country.

Somewhere between a wedding and a wake Bring the Happy attempts an extravagant portrait of happiness, as the thousands of memories to date, including the hundreds gathered from Stockton, are collected are retold in all of their beautiful, sometimes tragic, sometimes ridiculous and occasionally mundane glory.

In collaboration with band Hope & Social the live performance promises to be an interactive, intimate and highly moving evening where Invisible Flock asks the people of Stockton to join them in celebrating the happiness of their town and the UK.

Brilliantly inventive.

– Coventry Telegraph on Bring the Happy, Coventry

One step ahead of the prime minister.

– Yorkshire Post on Bring the Happy, Leeds

Bring The Happy will be showing at ARC on Fri 1 Nov (7pm) and Sat 2 Nov (2pm & 8pm). Tickets are F: £10 C: £7.50 and can be purchased here.