November Staff Picks

Take a look at what ARC staff are most excited for in November

Louise Wilkin
Audience Development Coordinator
Did you know that Jonny & the Baptists love Stockton and hate bastards? So do I, so their new show is going to be right up my street. I absolutely love Jonny & the Baptists – I’ve travelled around the north east to see them before (to Sunderland, Washington and Durham so far), so I’m really excited that they’re now coming to ARC! Their hilarious and heartfelt mix of music and comedy never fails to hit the spot and make me feel better about the world, and I can’t wait to spend an evening with them.

Hayley Pink
Marketing Apprentice
I’m very excited about the Try It at ARC – Festive Embroidery workshop. Embroidery is something I’ve always wanted to do but I’ve never really had the confidence to learn, so doing it in a workshop with other beginners and an instructor is perfect for me! Plus having some handmade Christmas baubles is a bonus!