See your story featured in an upcoming show at ARC

Would you like to take part in a story swap?

The artists behind (The Story is Not) Set in Stone want to spend time meeting people in the towns they visit, hearing their stories and understanding a little bit more about the places they live.

Before their performance at ARC on Thursday 28 January, they will be at No 60 café bar on Wednesday 27 January between 10.30am and 3.30pm to collect your stories.

Gathered around a model of a private library, they will ask participants a series of questions. The answers are written in a set of miniature books. The participant keeps one copy, while the artists add another volume to their ever-expanding library. Material gathered as part of this process can end up forming part of the performances, making the show unique to every location it visits.

An intimate performance in which the audience is seated round a large table, (The Story is Not) Set in Stone is a playful new piece about the places and ways in which we tell stories and re-invent our personal narratives. You can find out more here.