Text reads: Our Advice for Applications

General Advice 

  • Make your application easy to read- break it down into relevant sections and paragraphs. Size 11 Font is recommended.
  • Stick to the page limits!
  • In the previous round some of the applications we received were considered ineligible due to: the work not being new, the work being presented somewhere else, community engagement not being involved, and the scale of the project being unrealistic.

Outlining your Idea  

  • Outline what your idea is at the very start of your application. Make it clear, try and summarise your project in one paragraph.
  • Titling your project is always good.
  • Be clear which provocation you are applying to, especially if you are applying to the Explore Programme. Show how your project is linked to the provocation.

Quality and Impact for Community Engagement 

  • As co-creation underpins the Make New Work Programme, we are looking for work that considers community engagement and creation at every stage of the project.
  • Applications that stood out in the First and Second Rounds of the Make New Work Programme detailed specific and creative ways of engaging with the community and ensured that the community engagement was never one-sided.
  • Consider the budget that is assigned to Community Engagement – £1,000 can go a long way.
  • Think about being specific to Stockton, the most successful projects in the first round grounded their project in Stockton and were specific in how it relates to ARC and the provocation.

Deliverability of the Project, including the skills and experience of the people involved as well as the available resources and timescale 

  • Pay yourself and other artists fairly. Be realistic in how many artists you can employ with the money you have.
  • If you are inexperienced in certain areas of the project, for example delivering community engagement, be honest about this in your application. Consider how you can use this Programme to develop your skills.
  • Can you make this project happen within the allotted budget? Or will you use this as match funding, if you are applying for match funding say this in your application.

Environmental Impact 

  • Go further than recycling and reusing! The Green Theatre Handbook is a great place to start.

Our Advice for Applications (PDF)
Our Advice for Applications (Audio Version)


The Make New Work Programme is supported by The Paul Hamlyn Foundation