The bus to Cape Wrath is almost full!

Third Angel’s Alex Kelly will be presenting epic journey, Cape Wrath from a stationary minibus outside ARC next week to tell a story of family, of fellow travellers, of whiskey and chocolate, of the longest bus journey in Britain, told to an audience of just 14.

Heartfelt, moving, compellingly intimate, Cape Wrath will take audiences on a journey to the edge of the island, and wonders what we think about when we think about our lives.

In September 2011, Third Angel’s Alexander Kelly travelled from his home, roughly in middle of England, to Cape Wrath, the most North-westerly point of the British mainland. He took public transport the whole way there and back: coach, bus, ferry, minibus, train.

In September 1988, Alex’s granddad had undertaken the same journey, also travelling by public transport and hitch-hiking. He got to Cape Wrath, sat and looked at the sea and thought about his life. Then he went home.

In this presentation Alex will tell the story of retracing his grandfather’s footsteps, family histories, family myths and the longest bus route in Britain.

Third Angel makes entertaining and original contemporary performance that speaks directly, honestly and engagingly to its audience.  Established 1995, the company makes work that encompasses performance, theatre, live art, installation, film, video art, documentary, photography and design.  Third Angel uses styles, techniques and interests discovered in our more experimental work for other spaces, to create new theatre that plays with conventional forms while remaining accessible to a mainstream audience.

The work is devised, directed and designed by the two Artistic Directors and founders, Rachael Walton and Alexander Kelly, in collaboration with an expanding group of associated artists from a range of disciplines. Projects tour through Europe and further afield, and carry a range of influences from the culture around us: visual art, current affairs, novels, magazines, comics, film, television, music, radio chat shows.

Cape Wrath completes the ‘accidental trilogy’ made up of the acclaimed and influential performances Class of ’76 and The Lad Lit Project.

• Third Angel present Cape Wrath on Wed 25 & Thu 26 Sept at 7pm, Tickets are F: £12 C: £10 and can be purchased here.


See what Edinbrugh audiences had to say about the show this summer: