The gift of experience

Christmas is on its way, the festive present dash is looming, and the pressure is on as always to give a gift that will not be banished to the darker regions of the recipient’s cupboard, never to be used, a sense of guilt preventing it from ever being given away.

As James Wallman prepares the launch of his book, Stuffocation: How We’ve Had Enough of Stuff, and Why Experience Matters More Than Ever, ARC would like to offer customers the chance to save their aching limbs and present-buying anxiety with a gift option that offers an unforgettable alternative: a cinema visit for two, a comedy cabaret or an uplifting music gig. An experience to be enjoyed, whatever it may be.

At ARC we are celebrating the gift of experience this year by offering a cinema voucher for two free tickets when bought with a gift voucher in December.

Come the new year, the lucky gift voucher recipient will be armed with a token to whatever lies in the year ahead at ARC, and the voucher giver will have a two tickets to ARC’s cinema to reward themselves with a present buying expedition well done. Everyone’s a winner!

• Call ARC Box Office on 01642 525199 or click here to purchase your gift voucher. You can choose any amount and all vouchers purchased in December will receive two free cinema tickets.