Try No 60's new 'Festive Parmo'!

No 60 are serving up a very festive version of Teesside’s favourite dish over the coming weeks in the form of a Festive Parmo!

The No 60 chefs are serving up the classic chicken parmo but with an unusal variation, which features a layer of béchamel sauce topped with stuffing and cranberry sauce under melted cheddar topped with bacon.

Staff are already very excited about the latest addition to their Christmas bar menu, as Shaun Dowd, Operations Director explained: “One of our apprentice chefs, Hayden, came up with the recipe, and when we gave staff a taster they just loved it. The cranberry adds a welcome sweet touch we think! We hope it’s going to be really popular with customers. We don’t think too many other places are doing festive parmos either!”

The festive parmesan costs £5.50 and will be served with chips. Other options from No 60’s Christmas menu include a festive turkey and stuffing ciabatta, steak ciabatta with caramalised red onions, a festive burger with sausage, bacon and cranberry sauce and to follow, mince pie ice cream. You can also indulge in mulled gingerbread cider, Nutcracker hot chocolate or try a delicious orange hot chocolate.

Festive food will be served from 12pm – 2pm until Friday 23 December, and drinks will be served all day until the same date.  

If you would like to know more information about No 60, visit the No 60 section of the website.