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Seating: Allocated - See Seating Plan for More Details

Ali and Ava, both lonely for different reasons, meet and sparks fly. Over a lunar month a deep connection begins to grow, despite the legacy of Ava’s past relationship, and Ali’s emotional turmoil at the breakdown of his marriage.

Audio Description is available with Screenings of Ali and Ava.

Running time: 94mins

  • BBFC Ratings Info


    There is use of strong language (‘f**k’). Milder terms include ‘slag’, ‘twat’, ‘dick’, ‘dickhead’, ‘shit’, ‘bastard’, ‘bloody hell’ and ‘piss’.


    A woman speaks about having been beaten “black and blue” by her late husband, who also hit her daughter. There are scenes of moderate threat when a young man reacts with aggression and threats of violence towards his mother and her new boyfriend.

    A woman expresses racist views about Pakistani men, calling them ‘womanisers’, but this is immediately criticised by another character; there is also a brief sequence of discriminatory language in reference to Romani people, including use of the term ‘gypsy’. Other issues include brief and verbally discreet references to miscarriage, and mild sex references.