Hi, I am Alice Roots. I am a theatre maker. I am one fifth of performance company Figs in Wigs. We make absurdist comedy dance theatre that charms and disarms audiences of all ages. Outside of this collaboration, I sometimes perform with other artists, such as Kit Green and Hunt & Darton.

This week I am researching and developing a new interactive community arts project called Bank of Hope. This is a fictional parody bank, where the currency is hope instead of money.  Audience members will be invited to deposit and withdraw messages of hope for the future. In doing so, messages and sentiments will be anonymously shared and spread.

I will be spending my time at ARC Stockton meeting people, and exploring what the Bank of Hope is beyond a deposit/withdrawal box. What other features would be in the ‘bank’ installation, and how can these be designed, developed and delivered collaboratively, with people in the places where Bank of Hope might later tour to?

Alice Roots, wearing a bright yellow dress, is holding a piece of red & yellow cake, and is smiling for the camera.