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Charlotte Adams PhD FGS
Commercial Manager
Mine Energy

Charlotte is the principal research and development manager for mine energy at The Coal Authority. She is a geologist/hydrogeologist by training and gained her PhD from Newcastle University in 1999. This focused on treating the polluted discharges flowing from historically abandoned lead-zinc mines in the North Pennines. Latterly she worked on coal mines designing low cost ways to treat mine water when it reaches surface. Spending time above and below ground taking water samples from mines sparked her interest in the potential of using mine water for heat and she spent 11 years at Durham University undertaking geothermal research. Charlotte has been promoting the geothermal potential of the UK for over a decade. Her work has recently featured on BBC’s Country File and the One Show.

The UK has over 23,000 disused coal mines created following the extraction of 17 billion tonnes of coal over the past two centuries. This ended with the closure of Kellingley, the last deep coal mine in the UK in 2015. Although the coal has long since been mined, traded and burned, the water filled galleries and shafts that remain offer many opportunities for supplying resources. No longer viewed as a liability, the disused mining infrastructure is now seen as an asset of strategic national importance that could help to decarbonise heat demands while offering a host of other opportunities. This presentation will outline some of the work being undertaken by the Innovation Team at the Coal Authority with a particular focus on the mine water heat opportunity. The Coal Authority also works closely with the British Geological Survey, Durham University Durham Energy Institute, the North East Local Enterprise Partnership, Local Authorities and many other partners and stakeholders on developing this innovative approach.

At ARC and on live stream

Please contact [email protected] for further information.