Due to the current social distancing guidelines this instalment of Café Scientifique will be hosted online Via Zoom.

Please contact [email protected] for details of how to join the meeting.

What do Teflon, Prozac, air conditioning and mobile phones have in common?

Graham Sandford – Professor of Chemistry, Durham University

Nature provides many of the chemical building blocks we need for medicines, plastics and polymers from plant sources and oil. However, many household items we use in daily life are entirely man-made. Some synthetic products contain a specific element which gives materials improved properties for valuable pharmaceutical use, as non-stick coatings, anaesthetics, agrochemicals and in mobile phone batteries. The talk will show how one chemical element, common to all these different applications, is used for our benefit.

After obtaining his PhD in Chemistry at Durham, Graham Sandford carried out postdoctoral research in Los Angeles. He then returned to Durham and became a Professor in 2008. He has published over 180 research papers, review articles and patent applications. In 2018 he received the SCI Process Chemistry award sponsored by leading pharmaceutical companies

Due to the current social distancing guidelines this installment of Café Scientifique will be hosted online Via Zoom. Please contact [email protected] for details of how to join the meeting.