Suggested donation £5

Cafe Scientifique – Stockton on Tees

7.45pm, Tuesday 19 March 2024

We are delighted to be joined by

Jonathan Erskine

Executive Director, European Health Property Network

who will be discussing

The Future of Hospitals: how and why hospitals need to change to meet future health needs                             

In a change to our published programme, we’re delighted that Jonathan Erskine, who unfortunately had to cancel in October 2023, is now able to join us.

Jonathan says – hospitals are under pressure in the UK and elsewhere. Health needs are changing, capital investment is constrained, specialist staff are scarce, drugs and equipment become ever more expensive and management of these organisations, always tough, seems harder than ever. What’s next for hospitals? Will they remain as the iconic institutions they have been for the past 150 years, or will they disaggregate into smaller, tech and data-driven units, supporting a more local health and wellbeing service? Will they be able to lead in their own reform, and be part of a redistribution of health resources, or will they somehow continue as siloed and monolithic institutions? What do we, as citizens, want from hospitals, and can they respond? 

About the speaker – Jonathan stumbled into academic health service research in the early 2000s, when he joined Durham University’s Centre for Public Policy and Health as a Research Associate and then Research Fellow. His research was mainly into large-scale change in health systems; what helps or hinders change to happen. But he also took a keen interest in the links between the quality and safety of hospital (and healthcare) services and the physical environment that supports them. He became the director of the European Health Property Network, a pan-European, non-profit network of health facility design and engineering organisations, academic centres and hospital estates departments. He is now also an Honorary Professor at the Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction (UCL) and an occasional consultant to WHO (World Health Organisation), the World Bank and the Nuffield Trust. 

Cafe Scientifique’s website 

The Cafe’s website contains a list of all the talks they have held since they were set up in January 2004 and the talks for this season. Find out more at