Performance takes place in ARC’s Theatre

Would you like some free art? Maybe you’d prefer some free bricks?

What if they were the same thing?

Between Friday 25 and Tuesday 29 October, Gillian and Adam will be making sculptures out of 4,000 bricks as part of their project, FOUNDATION.

They will be monuments to buildings, to public art in public spaces, to bricklayers and architects, to demolition and re-building.

And we want to give the bricks away.

We want to donate them to be used as a doorstop, a garden wall, a garage… whatever your choose.

We want them to become part of the very fabric of the town.

And we want to know where they end up.

If you would like some of these bricks for your own project, whether that’s a garden wall or something less conventional, you can get then during the performance on a first come, first served basis, or to reserve some please complete this form.

Alternatively you can reserve a souvenir brick on our website.

Reserve your FOUNDATION Souvenir Brick

The Performance / The Artists

The performance of FOUNDATION will take place over several days, starting October 25, at ARC.

You are welcome to drop by and come and have a chat with us as we build the sculptures.

Gillian is a performer and Adam is a visual artist. Together they make slow, quiet durational performance.