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Seating: Allocated - See Seating Plan for More Details

The Tees Valley International Film Festival and ARC welcome Oscar and BAFTA winning film producer David Parfitt to take part in an in intimate evening of conversation in which he will discuss the many highlights of his illustrious career including taking the Academy Award home in 1998 for his work on Shakespeare in Love. Originally from Sunderland, David set up his first production company with Kenneth Branagh in 1987 and went on to produce such classics as Gangs of New York, The Madness of King George and The Father. David was Chairman of BAFTA from 2008 to 2010 and is currently chair of North East Screen so nobody is better placed to advise local filmmakers on all of the support and funding that’s available to them.

  • Hosted by Middlesbrough’s Victoria Gibson, the show will be in a relaxed, interview style format and will finish with an open and honest audience Q&A. So whether you’d like to hear what life’s like among the A list movie stars in Hollywood or if you’d like to ask what support and funding is available to amateur filmmakers, Oscar winning film producer David Parfitt will be happy to tell all.

This event is part of the Tees Valley International Film Festival.