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Event running time: 90 mins approx (including a 20 min screening of Offshore)

Seating: Unallocated - Cabaret

Join us at ARC for an evening of discussion, debate and collective imagining.

Offshore is a short documentary that brings together different perspectives from North Sea offshore workers on the coming energy transition.

The film screening kick-starts a panel and audience discussion around energy ownership, local economy and industry, climate change, and how we create new sustainable futures rather than repeat past cycles of deindustrialisation and division.

After the film we will hear how these issues apply specifically to Stockton and the Tees Valley, hearing from speakers from local politics, labour organising, Climate organising and arts and culture as well as sustainable engineering.

These thoughts will be followed by an opportunity for audience members to share their own perspectives, concerns and ideas in response to a series of prompts.

The energy transition gives us all an opportunity to rethink where our energy comes from and how it might fuel some of the changes we want to see.

An evening of big ideas, raising questions and forging connections towards a truly just transition for the North East.