Roustabout Theatre is an award-winning team of theatre makers based in Bristol, born out of over ten years of collaboration and nonsense. Comprising Robin Hemmings, Toby Hulse, Alice Massey and Shae Rooke, they seek out extraordinary tales, both true and imagined, and tell them with clarity, simplicity, humour and a wild imagination. Performed in theatres, schools, libraries and community venues, their work is for audiences of all ages, for anyone who loves play, and for anyone who delights in the communal act of sharing a story.

While they’re in Stockton this week, they’ll be working on their new family show.

Why did Red Riding Hood need a man to rescue her from the wolf?  Why do we know her by an article of clothing rather than her real name?  Why are the victims of the story all women?  What would Little Red Riding Hood do if she could?  And what is stopping her?

This original play, at turns funny, moving, and challenging, and featuring original songs, imagines how this and the other fairy tales we share with children might be different if we dared to ask these vital questions.   

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