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Running time: 98 minutes

Seating: Allocated - See Seating Plan for More Details

In French with English subtitles.

When Abel discovers his mother is about to marry a man in prison, he totally freaks, I mean who wouldn’t right if this is the third prison hook-up of your mother’s in the last 10 years?

Woman in wedding fascinator embraces new husband dressed smartly in suit and tie

With the help of his best friend Clémence, he will go to extreme lengths to protect her. Meeting his new stepfather may well offer him a new perspective.

Man and woman sat facing each other at table

Director- Louis Garrel

Cast- Louis Garrel, Tanguy Veil, Naila Guiguet

  • Seating accessibility information


    Seat size

    Seats in the Cinema are 45cm (172/3“) wide and 46cm (18“) deep, are 40cm (152/3“) from the floor, and have 12cm (42/3“) between seats.


    Seats in the Cinema have armrests that do not fold away, and cannot be completely removed.


    Seats in the cinema have 30cm (112/3”) of legroom in front of seats, with additional legroom on row A and seats B1-B4 and B11-B14.

    Further information

    If you have any questions about accessibility our Box Office team are always happy to help and can be contacted on 01642 525199 or by emailing  [email protected] - you can also tell us about your access requirements when prompted to do so during the online booking process

  • BBFC rating information (may contain spoilers)

    Threat and horror

    There are scenes of gun threat in which people shoot at one another and also car chases. Characters pretend to behave aggressively toward one another in acting sessions.


    There is strong language (‘motherf**ker’, ‘f**k’) and milder terms which include ‘bitch, ‘shit’, ‘asshole’, ‘ass’, ‘piss’, ‘balls’, ‘screw’, ‘hell’, ‘Jesus’, ‘God’ and ‘damn’.


    We hear moaning as a couple have sex in another room and there are mild, undetailed verbal references to sex.


    There are brief, undetailed verbal references to self-harm in a comic context.

    Injury detail

    There is brief sight of a man’s gunshot wound in a darkly lit scene.


    There are scenes of emotional upset as characters deal with bereavement.